Don’t count on being able to recoup those costs from someone else. This article is not legal advice. This is a general opinion article and should not be relied upon for any legal situation. Always consult an attorney who specializes…
This Week in Accessibility: First lawsuit filed over lack of captions in VR
This most recent accessibility litigation evolution has been predicted for the past couple of years by ADA legal experts. Dylan Panarra v. HTC Corp — Case 6:20-cv-06991, Filed 11/18/20 in the United States District Court, Western District of New York.…
Organizations with $33 Billion in annual revenue were sued over accessibility in one week last month
2020 accessibility lawsuits are on track to be close to 50 % higher than either 2018 or 2019. This article reviews a single week’s worth of those lawsuits. PACER is the go-to tool for lawyers wanting information about the status…
I’ve given up on the ADA to protect my rights as a person with a disability
The ADA requires you to litigate. Why isn’t there an office where I can just file a complaint? The ADA turned 30 on the day I published this article. Anyone who views the ADA as a complete success doesn’t understand…
Can an ADA lawsuit be filed against a company located outside the US?
The answer is yes — and here is a case to watch that is going to test that theory, at least in one state Remember, this is NOT legal advice. If you find yourself in this situation, you need to…
How long do people with disabilities have to sue over inaccessibility?
The statute of limitations clock does not start ticking until the problem is resolved, says one Colorado court Warning: This article is NOT intended to be taken as legal advice by any reader. Go find a real lawyer if you…
This Week in Accessibility: Initial Ruling in Braille Gift Card Cases
Dominguez v. Banana Republic — SDNY says lack of Braille gift cards in a retail setting NOT an ADA violation Last October, the law firms that brought you a significant number of website accessibility lawsuits moved into litigating over the lack…
The web is getting less accessible to people with disabilities
And that’s a miserable thing during the current COVID-19 crisis if you are one of them or close to someone who is One thing coming out of the current COVID-19 pandemic is that the lack of web accessibility is really…
This week in accessibility: NFB v. EPIC
The inaccessible defendant won this round, but don’t count on their victory helping you in a similar situation. Recently, a Massachusetts district court decided in favor of a defendant who sold inaccessible software and dismissed a suit against them that was filed…
Out-of-state ADA lawsuit revived by Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals
Yeah, it’s a bathroom case. But digital accessibility stakeholders should pay close attention to this one There were two notable defendant wins in digital accessibility lawsuits in 2019. Mendez v. Apple and Diaz v. Kroger were tossed in no small part because the plaintiffs…