virtual reality set

This Week in Accessibility: First lawsuit filed over lack of captions in VR

This most recent accessibility litigation evolution has been predicted for the past couple of years by ADA legal experts. Dylan Panarra v. HTC Corp — Case 6:20-cv-06991, Filed 11/18/20 in the United States District Court, Western District of New York.…
Pad of paper with empty “this week” tear sheets on them.

Organizations with $33 Billion in annual revenue were sued over accessibility in one week last month

2020 accessibility lawsuits are on track to be close to 50 % higher than either 2018 or 2019. This article reviews a single week’s worth of those lawsuits. PACER is the go-to tool for lawyers wanting information about the status…
Starbucks 2016 gift cards with the word “Starbucks” spelled out in Braille across the top. Folliage with red berries & logo

This Week in Accessibility: Initial Ruling in Braille Gift Card Cases

Dominguez v. Banana Republic — SDNY says lack of Braille gift cards in a retail setting NOT an ADA violation Last October, the law firms that brought you a significant number of website accessibility lawsuits moved into litigating over the lack…
Woman wheelchair user struggling to use the restroom

Out-of-state ADA lawsuit revived by Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals

Yeah, it’s a bathroom case. But digital accessibility stakeholders should pay close attention to this one There were two notable defendant wins in digital accessibility lawsuits in 2019. Mendez v. Apple and Diaz v. Kroger were tossed in no small part because the plaintiffs…