It’s that time of year again. Planning an inclusive holiday party goes beyond picking out festive decorations or sending fancy invitations. It’s about creating an environment where every employee feels welcome, safe, and able to fully participate. For employees with…
Diverse or Just Pretending? Why Your Stock Photos Need Authentic Disability Representation
Many companies limit website images to licensed ones stored in a central image repository. Frequently, they do this to ensure that only “approved” images are used. Unfortunately, the disability-inclusive images in these repositories often fall short of an acceptable minimum.…
Transforming Experiences for Neurodiverse Individuals through Sensory-friendly Hours and Quiet Spaces
In our noisy, complicated world, it can be easy to overlook the needs of those who experience the environment differently. Everyday settings can often be overwhelming for neurodiverse individuals. This is particularly true for those with autism, sensory processing disorder,…
We don’t all “have the same 24 hours”
“We all have the same 24 hours” is an empty maxim. Commonly followed by “What you do with it is up to you” or “Successful people just sacrifice more than you,” the statement turns from fatuous into aggressive, blaming, cringe-worthy,…
People with disabilities and sports
We want to be spectators. Many of us want to be or are, participants. So why is it that we face so many freaking barriers? As a die-hard San Francisco Giants fan for more than four decades and compound archery 2024 Paralympic…
Applying Ted Lasso management lessons to accessibility
I am one of a jillion people anxiously awaiting season 3 of Ted Lasso. One of the reasons for its popularity is the life lessons it teaches on management and relationships through the lens of dramatic comedy (aka “dramady”). Here…
Do internet-only businesses come under the Americans with Disabilities Act?
In theory, absolutely. But it’s taking federal courts a while to get there. Meanwhile, Web3 is coming, and blockchain is already here. Authors note: Because of Medium’s refusal to address its accessibility issues for both authors and readers, I’ve moved my last…
Regaining your accessibility spark
All jobs have up and down cycles. Try these steps to get back on the upswing when you are on a down cycle in your accessibility journey. Authors note: Because of Medium’s refusal to address its accessibility issues for both authors…
Using plain language is essential for content accessibility
Using plain language is essential for content accessibility When writing for your audience, it’s essential to keep things simple at the lowest common denominator for your audience. If your audience is all Ph.D. candidates, language can be complex and require…
Phrases that you might not realize are ableist
Calling out ableist language is the first step to rehabilitating a disability non-inclusive environment. Ableism is a set of beliefs or practices that devalue and discriminate against people with physical, intellectual, or psychiatric disabilities and often rests on the assumption that…