It’s that time of year again. Planning an inclusive holiday party goes beyond picking out festive decorations or sending fancy invitations. It’s about creating an environment where every employee feels welcome, safe, and able to fully participate. For employees with…
Accessibility Triumph Thursday: The FAA has Agreed to Define Safety Criteria for Wheelchair Users in the Cabin in 2025
Big news in accessible air travel! The FAA has agreed to define safety criteria for wheelchairs in the cabin in 2025. This transition is happening faster than I expected, which is incredible news for the disability community. Having a wheelchair…
Is “Blind Barbie” really inclusive?
“Blind Barbie” is all the rage recently. Barbie has become increasingly inclusive over the past decade, including Barbies with different skin tones, hearing aids, vitiligo, alopecia, a wheelchair-using Barbie, a Skipper with a prosthetic leg, the facial characteristics associated with…
Why Litigation is Essential for the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Compliance
This article is NOT legal advice. If you find yourself in a situation where you are either considering filing or possibly defending accessibility litigation in the US, you need to consult a US lawyer who specializes in accessibility cases. The…
Project 2025’s threat to Disability Rights
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is turning 34 this week. But it could be eviscerated if Project 2025 is implemented. The Heritage Foundation has spearheaded Project 2025. It aims to reshape various aspects of the U.S. federal government through…
All Accessibility is Political: Understanding the Intersection of Accessibility, Disability, and Politics
You can’t talk about accessibility without talking about disability because accessibility is inherently tied to the experiences and needs of people with disabilities. When we explore accessibility for people with disabilities, we are talking about physical access to buildings as…
Diverse or Just Pretending? Why Your Stock Photos Need Authentic Disability Representation
Many companies limit website images to licensed ones stored in a central image repository. Frequently, they do this to ensure that only “approved” images are used. Unfortunately, the disability-inclusive images in these repositories often fall short of an acceptable minimum.…
Fight Club, Parent Edition
When you are expecting a child, your mind fills with visions of a picture-perfect future. You think about first words, school pictures, friendships, proms, and the milestones of independence like getting their first driver’s license, job, or going to college.…
Diversity Managers — Here’s what you need to know about Disabilities
When I start a new contract or job, one of the first meetings I pursue is with the Chief Diversity Officer or if there isn’t one, whomever is at the top of the DEIB food chain. I have completed two…
Groups that don’t care about people with disabilities
I can no longer support “disability as an afterthought” Authors note: Because of Medium’s refusal to address its accessibility issues for both authors and readers, I’ve moved my last three years of blogs to Substack. Please sign up there for notices of all…