Starbucks 2016 gift cards with the word “Starbucks” spelled out in Braille across the top. Folliage with red berries & logo

This Week in A11Y: Are gift cards w/ Braille a good idea or required by law??

The firms that brought you website accessibility lawsuits have now moved into litigating over the lack of Braille on gift cards Starbucks has Braille gift cards. I thought they were pretty dang cool when I saw them for the first…
Red sign with white print on grass in front of tall buildings “no trespassing beyond this point

This Week in Accessibility: ADA lawsuits alleging defendants trespassed onto digital devices

What are the potential ramifications if your users with disabilities can’t access consent notice information ? Number five on my list of ten things to consider when prioritizing accessibility defects for remediation is: Are the accessibility defects on a page where there…
Blurred background in black and white with people in an IT center, foreground is an icon of a building with the words “Credit Union” in white underneath

This Week in Accessibility: Griffin v. Dept. of Labor Credit Union

Another rare defendant’s victory, but really not substantially different than Diaz v. Kroger Serial plaintiffs in digital accessibility lawsuits tend to choose a subsection of potential defendants, then sue as many of them as they can. These are frequently referred to as…
Golden three-dimensional human cartoon figure blowing into an oversized whistle attached to a neckloop while standing on a gavel pad with a gavel behind it.

This Week in Accessibility: People with Disabilities as Whistleblowers

Can people with disabilities sue as whistleblowers when government contractors fail to deliver accessible goods and services? The short answer appears to be yes. The phases of accessibility lawsuits as I see them: Phase 1: PwDs suing website owners (2006-current)…
Hand with car key hanging from index finger, green calculator with yellow toy car on it

This Week in Accessibility: Hertz v. Accenture

How a non-accessibility case could influence future accessibility litigation At its core (if you believe plaintiff Hertz) this lawsuit filed in New York federal court (SDNY) is about regular run-of-the-mill crappy software development, bad project management, broken promises, and a complete failure…