The firms that brought you website accessibility lawsuits have now moved into litigating over the lack of Braille on gift cards Starbucks has Braille gift cards. I thought they were pretty dang cool when I saw them for the first…
My multi-day PG&E power shut off diary
PG&E and AT&T stupidity has devastating effects on everyone near where I live The first time PG&E tried to burn my house down, it was September, 2007. I was at work, and the CFO ran into my office shouting “I…
Improving Native App Accessibility via Haptics
Haptics are a very important extra sense that all apps should consider using. But like anything related to motion, what you can turn on, must also have an “off” switch If you are interested in haptics, you might also be…
Disability Microaggressions — AKA “Ableist things people say”
Yes, all of these have actually happened to me personally What is a microaggression? A microaggression is an indirect, subtle, possibly unintentional discrimination against members of a marginalized group. Usually these take the form of statements, actions, incidents, or exclusions. Being excluded from…
Scaling Accessibility
In an enterprise software world, accessibility isn’t always about testing a handful of simple websites with homogeneous data and predictable release cycles. Sometimes accessibility has to scale. A presentation based on the topic at the center of this article was submitted…
You don’t get a “pass” to discriminate against people with disabilities in an emergency
People with disabilities are the ones guaranteed to get disproportionately ****ed over in any type of emergency At 2 pm yesterday, I got the expected call from PG&E notifying me of an impending power outage at 8 pm. In their…
Accessibility tools and plugins that designers should be using
The article “Best Chrome Plugins Designers should be using” did not contain any accessibility plugins. There, I fixed that for you 🙂 Designers have their choice of countless tools, many of which are convenient plugins that are integrated with Chrome.…
Serving Customers with Disabilities
Whether it’s in-person, by phone, chat or e-mail, anyone in a customer-facing role should receive training specifically on how to serve customers with disabilities without being offensive. Almost every business has opportunities to interact with people with disabilities. Some succeed,…
This Week in Accessibility: ADA lawsuits alleging defendants trespassed onto digital devices
What are the potential ramifications if your users with disabilities can’t access consent notice information ? Number five on my list of ten things to consider when prioritizing accessibility defects for remediation is: Are the accessibility defects on a page where there…
Accessibility Retrospectives
Reflect on your wins and identify things you wish had gone differently An agile retrospective (sometimes called a post-mortem) is a gathering of interested and involved parties at the end of a sprint to review the project’s events and learn…