Governor Gavin Newson Image

Accessibility Meme: Governor Newsom vetoed California’s AI Safety bill—a huge setback for people with disabilities

Earlier this week,, Governor Newsom vetoed California’s AI Safety bill—a huge setback for people with disabilities. The bill aimed to address bias in AI by setting standards for data set quality and requiring oversight. Why does this matter for people…
The first barrier most wheelchair-using job seekers face isn't a staircase. It's bias embedded by HR into a hiring algorithm that filters us out before a human sees our resume.

The First Barrier Most Wheelchair-using Job Seekers Face isn’t a Staircase. It’s Bias Embedded by HR into a Hiring Algorithm that Filters us Out Before a Human Sees Our Resume

Digital barriers are blocking job opportunities for many qualified individuals. Unsupervised AI-based automated hiring tools are having severe, detrimental effects. The results of using rigid keywords, unfair rules, and outdated assumptions to select interview candidates without human review are very…