Accessibility Meme: Organizations that claim to care about disability inclusion

Contradictory Chris meme: Confused looking young man in a leather jacket. Top text: "Organizations that claim to care about disability inclusion." Bottom text: "Whose webinars, documents, and sites are not accessible.
If you or your organization:
1) Sell accessibility audit, remediation, or training services
2) Provide DEIA services or training
3) Claim to be inclusive, regardless of the type of product or service your organization provides
4) Receive *ANY* public money (federal, state, or local grants, or reduction in rents or fees)
Then you have to make your products, services, emails, documents and social media posts accessible. Full stop.
The first three items on that list are unethical and immoral. The fourth item on that list is illegal and opens your organization up to litigation.
Here is a parallel to “Nothing about us, without us” – Stop making money off the backs of people with disabilities without including us.
Alt text: Contradictory Chris meme: Confused looking young man in a leather jacket. Top text: “Organizations that claim to care about disability inclusion.” Bottom text: “Whose webinars, documents, and sites are not accessible.