Accessibility Meme: The worst response that an organization can deliver to a disabled person (or someone advocating for disabled people) is that their request is annoying

"The Office Meme" one man telling another "Sorry I annoyed you with my request for your product to be accessible"
The worst response that an organization can deliver to a disabled person (or someone advocating for disabled people) is that their request is annoying. Any response that contains an element of dismissal, minimization of the problem, or outright ignoring the issue sends the message that disabled people’s concerns don’t rate equal treatment. Some of those “you are annoying” responses can be subtle:
1) Oh, that’s on our list, we just haven’t gotten to it yet.
2) That issue is in our backlog.
3) No one here knows how to use a screen reader.
and my least personal favorite
4) You are the first person to ask for this.
If you are going to report these issues either as a member of the public or a company employee, you need to prepare yourself for these responses and push back. The people who need to buy into fixing accessibility problems typically aren’t your friends, so don’t treat them that way.
Alt: “The Office Meme” one man telling another “Sorry I annoyed you with my request for your product to be accessible”