Cartoon man sitting at desk tapping a keyboard asking “Is this a bug or a feature”

“As Designed” is a useless bug closure status — especially for people with disabilities

Just because it was designed that way, doesn’t mean it was a good idea. As someone who started off in software testing over 30 years ago, and then transitioned into accessibility, I’ve seen some crazy bug closure statuses. Won’t Fix…
Woman’s hands holding pen writing on paper marked “User Goals”

Don’t just design accessible products, build accessible experiences

Use your user journeys to map out all employee and customer touchpoints and make sure they are all accessible. Design accessible products “What the heck is offensive about that, Sheri?” you are probably saying to yourself. Followed by “Duh, isn’t…
Starbucks 2016 gift cards with the word “Starbucks” spelled out in Braille across the top. Folliage with red berries & logo

This Week in Accessibility: Initial Ruling in Braille Gift Card Cases

Dominguez v. Banana Republic — SDNY says lack of Braille gift cards in a retail setting NOT an ADA violation Last October, the law firms that brought you a significant number of website accessibility lawsuits moved into litigating over the lack…

Yes, I know you hate these dialogs. Me too. But you are here for a reason, which is probably to read one of my articles without having to pay for a Medium members. And I’m good with that. I'm just asking for your email so when my book is for sale (ETA Feb 2021) I can let everyone know.

And if I ever get my newsletter started, I can let you know about that too. Here are my promises to you:

1. I promise never to give away or sell your email

2. I promise never to email you more than once per month

3. I promise to only ever email you about accessibility/disability-related issues

4. You can put a fake email in (please make it to make it easy for me to filter out) or unsubscribe any time you want.

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