So many people are writing or developing products around this hot tech topic right now. Many of them are getting it very wrong. I read a lot of articles about accessibility. Some of them (and not just the ones I…
Who tests the ADA testers?
ADA and digital accessibility litigation are full of claims filed by “testers.” How far should that be allowed to go? Testers are individuals who have no intention of ever buying the product or visiting the location the website revolves around.…
VMware’s Internal Accessibility Policy
It’s not enough to make products and marketing websites accessible. Organizations need to ensure that employee-facing tools accessible as well. How many pieces of software do you use at your job? Seems like a simple enough question. When the VMware…
Making chatbots accessible
Chatbots are everywhere online customer service is necessary. However, few are accessible to people with disabilities. Anything a company can shift from an employee to a computer saves them money. That is why many retail companies are now using chatbots…
If somebody can use it, somebody can misuse it
Software development and the “doctrine of foreseeable misuse.” There is a portion of the American legal system under the category of negligence called “strict product liability,” also referred to as SPL. Under SPL, anyone in the product chain (seller, distributor, or…
Silver (WCAG 3.0) First Public Working Draft released.
February 26, 2021, is the deadline to submit comments. The first peek at the long-awaited World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) major update to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines is here. In W3C speak, we call a First Published Working Draft (or FPWD). Silver…
Got sued under the ADA for inaccessibility? – Part 2
Here is what you can expect. Part 2 of a two-part article Read Part 1 of this article here about recouping costs for accessibility lawsuits when others are at fault. This article is not legal advice. This is a general opinion article…
2021 accessibility predictions
Yeah, machine learning and personalization made the list, but I also have a couple of other thoughts. It’s time for the annual “Year-End” accessibility predictions. Machine Learning Machine learning is going to continue to be exceptionally important to the advancement…
Starting a new accessibility remediation project?
Marie Kondo’ing the project first will get you to your goal faster. Yay, you finally convinced someone to prioritize remediating an inaccessible website. What could possibly go wrong? </snark> There are approaches and prioritization that will make your end goal…
This Week in Accessibility: First lawsuit filed over lack of captions in VR
This most recent accessibility litigation evolution has been predicted for the past couple of years by ADA legal experts. Dylan Panarra v. HTC Corp — Case 6:20-cv-06991, Filed 11/18/20 in the United States District Court, Western District of New York.…