Accessibility Meme: Accessibility Mentorship

young person walking on the beach at sunset with an older person who has their hand on their back. Text says "You are never too young or too old to mentor someone in accessibility"
We’re coming up to the end of National Mentoring Month in the US. Accessibility as a topic is largely reliant on information being taught from one individual to another. There is little in the way of for credit college courses, and it certainly isn’t required to graduate in any degree that I’m aware of.
Be the mentor, while simultaneously being willing to be mentored. No matter how senior you are, you can always learn more. When you stop learning, you start stagnating. Mentorship can range from a single sentence all the way to weekly dedicated meetings. The only way for accessibility knowledge to increase in the general software community is for accessibility professionals to constantly spread the word about its importance.
alt: young person walking on the beach at sunset with an older person who has their hand on their back. Text says “You are never too young or too old to mentor someone in accessibility”