Accessibility is Like Oil in a Car

Accessibility is like oil in a car. When the car engine is running smoothly, not a lot of thought is given to the oil. When the oil is ignored and the engine seizes, then the oil becomes critical.
For those of you in the US of a certain age, you may remember a funny commercial for Fram oil filters. The punch line was “you can pay me now or you can pay me later”
Accessibility is like that too. You will hear a wide range of excuses for why it doesn’t need to be included in the next release. It is unimportant, features are king. Until the company receives a demand letter and then accessibility becomes the most important thing in the world and they want it yesterday.
Accessibility is the oil in a well running corporate machine. Don’t let your corporate engine seize because accessibility was an afterthought.
Alt: Accessibility is like oil in a car. When the car engine is running smoothly, not a lot of thought is given to the oil. When the oil is ignored and the engine seizes, then the oil becomes critical.