Accessibility Fail Friday: New Head of the EEOC Ordered its Staff to Halt all LGBTQ Discrimination Cases Despite the Bostock Case Still Being the law of the land.

A sign marks the location of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s local office in Savannah, Ga., on Sept. 17, 2022. The agency has halted processing of claims alleging sexual orientation and gender identity discrimination, individuals with knowledge of the situation told HR Dive

I rarely post two hashtagAccessibilityFailFridays in one day, but this issue is too important to wait until next week.

Two days ago, the head of the EEOC was removed, possibly illegally.

Today, the new head of the EEOC ordered its staff to halt all LGBTQ discrimination cases despite the Bostock case still being the law of the land.

I cannot state this more strongly: We no longer have the luxury of assuming federal law will be followed and justice will prevail. It takes work, showing up, and refusing to back down.

Expect more of these and quickly. Because when they move on to the next illegal catastrophe, we stop talking about the last one.

– If you have ever claimed you are an ally, this is the time to step up. Now.

– If you belong to an underrepresented minority, expect them to come for you next.

What can you do?

1) Go to protests

2) Join groups forced to spend enormous amounts of money on litigation. Become a paid member if you can. Lambda Legal is a great one. I am joining today. If you already belong or are joining today, comment “Joined” below.

3) Most companies haven’t bothered putting policies in place that call out LGBTQ, ethnicity, religion, and disability protections outside of an EEOC statement. Pull those bad boys out and state that your organization will follow the law, even if our government will not.

4) If you live in a Red state, contact your representatives. Let them know that civil rights protections are not optional and that you expect them to take action to defend them. Silence is complicity.

5) Support impacted individuals in your workplace and community.

6) Pay attention. Attacks on civil rights often start with one group and expand from there. This isn’t just about LGBTQ rights—it’s about whether equal protection under the law still means something.

It is more important than ever that underrepresented communities support other underrepresented communities.

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hashtagDiscrimination hashtagEEOC hashtagWorkplace